Who we are?

Kubha Dialogue is an independent Media research center, and works in the Media dialogues, policy-making studies, and research framework.  

An important part of the Kubha Dialogue work is to analyze and conduct researches concerning Afghan Media, and regional political, security, economic and social situation and existing opportunities.  



Kubha Vision is to contribute in plans and policies being made for the Media development.          

Mission and Goal

Kubha Dialogue explores the complicated aspects of events and issues in relation to Afghan media through study, research and analysis.

Kubha Dialogue would like to contribute in the country’s advancement and progression through independent reports, training workshops, researches on Afghan media, politics, society, culture, economy, peace, stability and social developments.   

Kuba Dialogue shares the results of the researches with the government , war parties and media.

Women are the most vulnerable part of Afghan society. Afghan women face many challenges and in the cities and villages of Afghanistan. Advocating for afghan women Journalists affected by war and the tradational environment and raising awareness about women's rights is an important part of Kuhba. Organizing training workshops for women Journalists and raising awareness about it, is the main goal of this program.

Kubha Dialogue pursue its goals through the following three parts; where every part encompasses other special activities:   



We provide facilities for different strata of the society, private sector, civil society and government to discuss and talk among themselves on various issues. Here, Kubha Dialogue is the main discussion of the center, which takes place with participation of the Afghan media experts and academic figures. 

Other discussion platforms (Group Discussion, Zalma or Youth Discussion, and Programs on Exchanging View and Thoughts) are also used on the national level.



Kubha also focuses on political developments, security, economy and social issues of Afghanistan, region and the world; and thus, makes effort to assess the problems, challenges and opportunities, and their impact on Afghanistan through its researches and analysis, and seek for possible solutions.  

For this purpose, the center uses the following tools: special research projects, publication of books and research papers, surveys, Kubha Journal, special academic and research articles, analytical articles, podcasts, reports, profiles and investigative journalism. 


Capacity Building

We train cadres in different fields in order to pave the way for involvement of new professional generation in the media, human rights issues, social and other relevant aspects of the country.   

We would like to foster the capacity of new generation to produce thought, make policy, theorize and analyze through special programs


Forms and Means of Activities

-    Institutional Strengthening and Research based policy making

-    Designing and conducting researches and assessing their results and impacts in relevant fields  

Kubha Dialogue; exclusive discussions on freedom of press, human rights and women rights with the participation of Afghan and foreign women activists and media and human rights experts.   

-    Social Connectivity; exchange of journalists, tribal elders, youths, and religious scholars to rduce the religious prejudices.

-    Promoting and fostering public, especialy journalists and women’s participation in the peace process, reintegration, reconstruction, development and fight against corruption  

- Advocating for women affected by war and the tradational environment and raising awareness about women's rights 

- Organizing training workshops for journalists and women rights activists.

-    Conducting programs on producing and encouraging thought and creativity

-    Training specialized human resources in the fields of investigative journalism, information-gathering, and research and analysis.     

-    Surveys and polls

Social & newsletter

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